Per the below notice from Physical Plant, Stowell will be losing power. During these outages there may be no data, HVAC or fire-alarm networking in Stowell, Timerman, Brainerd, Barrington, Maxcy, Crane Complex, Thatcher, all Residence Halls and Extensions, and the Presidents Residence.
> Notice from Physical Plant
> Stowell Hall will experience electrical power outages this week in order
> to change out the electrical distribution panels through out the building.
> The west end of the building (side next to Dunn Hall) will have no power
> on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 28 and 29. ALL FLOORS
> The east end of the building (next to Timerman) will have no power on
> Thursday and Friday, July 30 and 31. ALL FLOORS
> The demarcation between east and west ends of the building will be
> approximately the smoke doors in the corridors.
> Please ensure that your computers and other equipment are shut down so
> that no work is lost.
> Although we have a very good idea of what will lose power when we remove
> the panels, there is always a chance that a circuit may be mislabeled or
> not identified at all. We will take all precautions as to not impact the
> remainder of the building during the shutdowns. If you experience a
> lost of power when its supposed to be on, contact us immediately.
> We have a list of equipment that will need to be powered during the
> shutdowns and will ensure that these pieces of equipment will remain
> powered up.