[ANNOUNCE] Problems with Voice Mail to email feature.

Due to changes implemented in O365 security, some users that have notification of voice messages sent to email may not be receiving them. CTS has been in contact with our maintenance vendor and they are working on a resolution. Until this issue is resolved please check for voicemail messages by dialing into the voicemail system at X4000.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

[FYI] Beginning Monday, March 23rd: Helpdesk Walk-ins By Appointment Only

In keeping with the State’s COVID-19 social distancing protocols, the Helpdesk is limited to phone, email, and remote assistance only. In-person assistance can still be provided at the discretion of the Helpdesk staff and only if your issue is determined to require it.

Should you need in-person assistance or drop-off/pickup of items, the following process and procedures are in place:

  • Items can be picked up and dropped off at the rear Helpdesk doors. They will be on a table. If someone meets you or other patrons are there for the same reason, please respect a 10′ distance.
  • Entry into the Helpdesk is restricted to CTS employees only.
  • If you are bringing in a computer with an issue with an appointment, be advised that we cannot work on it “with you” as close contact is to be avoided.

We are in the process of procuring remote assistance software that does not require your computer to be on campus which will also minimize the need for carry-in service.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to operate as best we can during this difficult situation.