[ANNOUNCE] Telephone Service update

Further updates to the campus telephone system will begin Tuesday June 19 at approximately 2:00 PM. Services affected will include Elevator, Emergency, Blue Light and Courtesy phones, as well as FAX lines. Outages should be brief, likely less than 90 minutes in any given area, and all analog phone services should be restored by approximately 6:00 PM.
Notifications will be posted here when maintenance begins and is complete.
If this poses any issues, please contact the TelCom office via email at telcom@potsdam.edu

[RESOLVED] Network Outages

CTS has discovered and remedied the problem that was causing some computers to not have network access. If your computer still has no network access, an on-site visit from CTS personnel is required. Please report your problem to the CTS Helpdesk and staff will follow up with you as soon as possible: 315-267-4444 or helpdesk@potsdam.edu