[ANNOUNCE] Wireless Network Maintenance 12/2/2017

CTS will be performing critical maintenance to the wireless network serving academic and administrative buildings this Saturday, December 2nd, 2017 between 7:00 AM and 10:00 AM. There may be several outages during the maintenance window. Outages will result in full loss of wireless connectivity. Posts will be made when maintenance begins and when it is complete. Wireless service in the residence halls will be unaffected.

[FYI] Outlook on iOS 9

Microsoft releases updates to Outlook for the current iOS operating system and the immediately previous version of the iOS operating system. With the recent release of iOS 11 for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, devices running iOS9 will no longer receive updated versions of the Outlook App. Please update your device to the latest version of the iOS it will support. If your device does not support iOS versions greater than 9, Outlook should still be available via Safari at https://portal.office.com