[RESOLVED] Banner/BearPAWS/BearDeN
ITEC restarted the database server and confirmed that all connection issues have been resolved. If you are still having an issue, please contact the CTS Helpdesk.
ITEC restarted the database server and confirmed that all connection issues have been resolved. If you are still having an issue, please contact the CTS Helpdesk.
ITEC has reported an emergency situation with hardware that has forced the Banner/BearPAWS/BearDeN outage. They are currently working on a fix. I will update this site once Banner/BearPAWS/BearDeN are operational.
A maintenance window to upgrade Moodle, our Learning Management System, has been scheduled for Saturday, August 17th beginning at 2:45 PM until approximately 6:00 PM.
All users should be advised that Moodle will be unavailable for any use during this maintenance window and plan accordingly.
An announcement will be made to the network systems and status blog when the upgrade is complete and users can log into Moodle.
The Banner/BearPAWS issue has been resolved.
Banner and BearPAWS are currently unavailable. ITEC is working on the issue. We will post an update when the issue has been resolved.
The maintenance to the Voice Mail System for 7-30-2019 is complete.
Reminder: Updates to the Voice Mail System will be performed today starting at 4:00 PM. Work is expected to take 2-4 hours, during which time access to Voice Mail accounts will be intermittent. TelCom will post to this site when work has been completed. Your patience during this outage is appreciated. If there are any issues due to this scheduled maintenance please contact the TelCom office via email at telcom@potsdam.edu.
Reminder: Updates to the Voice Mail System will be performed today starting at 4:00 PM. Work is expected to take 2-4 hours, during which time access to Voice Mail accounts will be intermittent. TelCom will post to this site when work has been completed. Your patience during this outage is appreciated. If there are any issues due to this scheduled maintenance please contact the TelCom office via email at telcom@potsdam.edu.
For several months now Microsoft has been giving users of the Web version of Outlook an option to preview their next version by turning on “The new Outlook” in the top-right corner of the interface. Microsoft is now rolling out this updated user interface to all users. It will no longer be optional and all users will be switched automatically to the new Outlook. Use this link to get more information about the new Outlook on the Web: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Outlook-Blog/Faster-with-a-modern-design-and-new-features-the-new-Outlook-on/ba-p/735222
The campus Voice Mail System is in need of some updates to remain current. The TelCom Department is currently scheduled to perform these updates on Tuesday July 30 2019 beginning at 4:00 PM. Work is expected to take up to three (3) hours and during that time access to Voice Mail accounts will be intermittent. TelCom will advise when the updates are completed.
Please direct any question via email to telcom@potsdam.edu. We thank you in advance for your patience during the maintenance period.