[INPROGRESS] Voicemail is down

CTS is aware and technicians are working on an issue impacting voicemail service for the campus. The voicemail service is currently not working. We are in contact with our vendor and working to resolve this issue. We will update you with information as soon as we have an update. If you have any questions, please contact the IT Service Desk at x4444 or itservicedesk@potsdam.edu

[ANNOUNCE] Safari – End Campus Support

Beginning September 1, 2023, the campus will no longer be offering or supporting the Safari web browser. CTS encourages the transition to Microsoft Edge. Edge is secure, utilized the campus licensing with Microsoft, connects to your campus computing account (CCA) and saves your bookmarks across computers when you login with your @potsdam.edu account.

If you have any questions, please contact the IT Service Desk x4444 or itservicedesk@potsdam.edu.

CTS Labor Day Observance

The IT Service Desk, Device Management Services, Network Infrastructure and Media and Telcom will all be open on Labor Day, Monday, September 4, 2023, from 8am to 430pm in support the instructional needs of the campus.

CTS Operations, Administrative Information Systems and Host Services will all be closed. Staff in these areas will be available to address your concerns on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, after 8am.

If you require assistance, during this time please contact the IT Service Desk at 315-267-4444 or by e-mail at itservicedesk@potsdam.edu so we can best assist you.

Have a safe holiday.

[INPROGRESS] W@SP Connectivity Issue

CTS is aware of an issue with connectivity to WIFI/W@SP on campus, some users are getting booted from WIFI and are then unable to connect/reconnect. Multiple areas within CTS are working on troubleshooting the issue and further updates will be provided as we have further information. IT Service Desk has received multiple communications on this issue, but if you have questions, please contact the IT Service Desk for assistance x4444 or itservicedesk@potsdam.edu.

[UPDATE] ADOBE Licensing Notices

This is an update to a previous posting. Please share with all users in your area or department.

SUNY ITEC is still negotiating the contract with Adobe, they should have an update soon. CTS has no control over this renewal as it is managed by SUNY ITEC but we will update users with information as we have it. SUNY ITEC has assured us that we should not see a disruption

Adobe licensing on the SUNY Potsdam campus is a managed service of SUNY ITEC. We are aware of the end of licensing messaging that some Adobe users are receiving. SUNY ITEC is aware of these expiration notices and is working on a 60-day extension with Adobe while a new contract is worked out. If you experience issues with the use or function of any Adobe product please submit a ticket, call or send an email to the IT Service Desk x4444 or itservicedesk@potsdam.edu. Thank you CTS Team

[ANNOUNCE] Voicemail Message Light Issues

Telcom is currently experiencing a high volume of work orders related to Voicemail Message Light/Lamping. CTS is aware of this issue and is the result of running our old and new voicemail systems in parallel to maintain normal business operations in OneStop. The projected shut down of the old voicemail system is scheduled 9/12/2023, at which time the problem should resolve/be corrected. In the meantime, please periodically check your voicemail by pressing the message button on your phone or by dialing x4000. If you have any questions on the voicemail system, please reach out to the IT Service Desk x4444 or itservicedesk@potsdam.edu